Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Accounting In China Essay

1. Introduction †¢ China’s rapid economic growth in the past two decades has amazed the rest of the world. †¢ With China’s accession to the WTO, business activities with and within China will further expand. †¢ China fully understands that a sound financial reporting system plays a key role in the process of economic development. †¢ The Chinese Ministry of Finance (MoF), who has the responsibility for regulating accounting matters in China, has set itself the objectives of fostering investors’ confidence in financial information, increase transparency of financial reporting, and harmonize with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), so as to reduce the costs of raising capital by enterprises and alleviate the risk of financial crisis. 2. History Of Development †¢ The old accounting and regulations were designed to meet the needs of a planned economy, and therefore focused on whether the production goals of state-owned enterprises and their financial and costs plans were being met. †¢ Accordingly, the objectives of accounting and performance measurement some twenty years ago were significantly different from the financial reporting objectives in a modern market oriented economy. †¢ Significant accounting reforms were undertaken in the past two decades due to several factors such as: âž ¢ Since China opened its door to foreign investments in 1979, the rapid growth of its economy, international trade and securities markets has shaped new objectives for financial reporting. âž ¢ State-owned enterprises now look a lot like profit-oriented businesses, and managers and other users need reliable and relevant financial information on which to base decisions about the efficient allocation of capital. âž ¢ At the same time, china has reached out to the international community to form joint ventures and gain greater access to the latest technologies and the world’s capital markets. See more: Homelessness as a social problem Essay †¢ In the 1980s, the MoF issued the first set of accounting regulation, which was formulated by reference to international accounting practice, for joint ventures in China. †¢ In 1992, due to rapid development of the Chinese securities market, the accounting System for Experimental Joint Stock Limited Enterprises was promulgated by the MoF in order to standardised accounting practice and disclosures by listed companies. This System was subsequently replaced by the Accounting System for Joint Stock Limited Enterprises (JSLE) in 1998. †¢ The 1992 regulation moved away from the traditional fund-based Soviet accounting model and incorporated many common Western accounting practices. †¢ In the same year, the MoF promulgated the Accounting Regulations for Foreign Investment Enterprises (FIE), the Accounting Regulations for Share Enterprises. †¢ In 1993 the Basic Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises came into force. It imposes some basic rules (e.g. that double entry bookkeeping must be used, that a cash or funds statement must be included in the financial statements, and that consolidated financial statements must be provided where appropriate); set out a conceptual framework of China accounting and make some detailed rules of financial reporting. †¢ The conceptual framework introduced on a broader scope new accounting concepts and essential elements of financial statements that were in many respects based on international practices. †¢ The conceptual framework aspects of the regulation are reasonably close to US and IASC precedents. †¢ However, these pronouncements were still found to have essential differences with international practice such as limited disclosure of financial information for the users to understand the results and financial position of the reporting enterprise. †¢ Another difference is that the regulation does not specifically identify the primary user or purpose of financial statements. Instead, a hierarchy of users includes the government, banks, the public and an enterprise’s own management. †¢ This is very different from the US or IASB which emphasis on financial decision making by outside investors. †¢ In addition, the ASBE is based on historical cost without the revaluation allowed in IASB or UK rules or the increasing use of fair value in IASB/US/UK rules. †¢ Furthermore, ‘substance over form’ is not established as a principle in China. 3. The New Accounting Standards And Accounting System (Development after 1993). †¢ In 1993, with funding from the World Bank (US$2.6 million), the MoF engaged Deloitte Touchee Tohmatsu (DTT) as consultants to develop a body of Chinese Accounting Standards (CAS) broadly in line with accounting and financial reporting practices used internationally. †¢ Exposure Drafts on about 30 standards have since been published between 1994 and 1996, and they were generally closely in line with the standards of the IASC. †¢ In 1997, the first standard was issued. It is on disclosure of relationships and transactions with related parties. †¢ In the same year, China joined the IASC, and became an official observer at Board meetings. †¢ In October 1998, an Accounting Standards Committee (CASC) was founded within China’s MoF. It comprises academics and members of accounting firms as well as government experts. †¢ In 1998, the Ministry of Finance issued the Accounting System for Joint Stock Limited Enterprises (JSLE) to replace the accounting System for Experimental joint Stock Limited Enterprises in order to standardise accounting practice and disclosures by listed companies. †¢ In 2000, DTT was reappointed as consultants for the second phase of the project. †¢ China accounting has achieved remarkable progress in unifying its accounting practices since Year 2001. †¢ In the same year, MoF issued a new comprehensive Accounting System for Business Enterprise (the ‘System’). The new System replaced the Accounting System for JSLE form January 1, 2002. †¢ In other words, all JSLE (including all listed enterprise) and FIE are now required to follow one unified new System. The system introduces the concept of substance over form and extends the requirement for consideration to all assets. †¢ The MoF plans to ultimately require all medium-size and large enterprises (other than financial enterprises) to adopt the new System, and announced its expectation that state-owned enterprise will adopt the new system over time. †¢ When fully implemented, the new System will replace the numerous inconsistent industry accounting regulations, enabling the financial statements of different types of enterprises to become more comparable. 4. Impact Of The New Systems On FIE †¢ Before adopting the new System, FIE’s financial statements which were prepared in accordance with the Accounting Regulation for FIE could not properly reflect the enterprise’s actual financial position and operating results, the enterprise had to make numerous adjustments when they compile financial statements under overseas accounting standards, such as IAS and US GAAP. †¢ The process was time consuming and imposed additional cost of investment to the foreign investors. †¢ After the adoption of the new System, the differences between FIE’s financial statements under PRC GAAP and those prepared in accordance with international accounting practices will reduce further, thereby enabling the foreign investors to assess the performance of their investments more efficiently. 5. China Accounting Standards Convergence With IFRS †¢ The importance and acceptance of IFRS has increased significantly over the past few years. †¢ While actively pursuing convergence with IFRS, the MoF necessarily has to ensure that accounting standards appropriately address the national circumstances that exist during this transitional period in the economy. âž ¢ A very significant portion of the economy is dominated by state owned enterprises. Even after enterprises are restructured into joint stock enterprise and branched out from the government structure, functional or regional government that remain stakeholders still exert significant influences over the enterprises and their trading partners and their transactions. âž ¢ Free markets are not sufficiently developed in many areas. âž ¢ Financial statements are multi-functional, serving not only the needs of the investors but also other interested parties including the State for supervisory and management purposes. âž ¢ Enterprises and professional intermediaries such as auditors and valuers are at a developing stage. During this transitional period, accounting standards must be realistically implementable by the preparers and auditors of financial statements. †¢ On 16 February 2006, the Chinese Ministry of Finance and the International Accounting Standards Board formally announced that Chinese Accounting Standards (CAS) will converge with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) on 1 January 2007. †¢ Converging CAS with IFRS is one of many successful initiatives undertaken by the PRC government over the past global economy. †¢ Investors, analysts, regulators and other interested parties in recent years have been increasingly demanding more consistent and reliable financial reporting from companies around the world. †¢ The adoption and consistent application of accounting standards based on IFRS principles is widely viewed as a commitment to transparent financial reporting by these constituents. Transparent financial reporting is considered as the foundation of investor confidence. †¢ The process of convergence has been started way back in November 2005 when several meetings had been held between MoF and board members of IASB. †¢ The process of convergence will involve integrating the IFRS principles into CAS and will result in the amendment of all existing standards and the issuance of an additional 22 Specific standards. †¢ While the revised CAS will not reflect a literal translation of IFRS, their scope will include all IFRS principles. In additional, they will contain interpretive guidance to address the accounting for specific types of transaction (e.g. combinations of companies under common control) and industry accounting issues (e.g. extraction of petroleum and natural gas). †¢ The new CAS will comprise 1 basic standard and 38 specific standards. †¢ The revised CAS will first be applied to listed companies from 1 January 2007 and gradually applied to other types of entities. †¢ There will be differences between the revised CAS and IFRS to reflect unique circumstances in China. †¢ These differences, among other things, relate to: a. A prohibition of the reversal of asset impairment once it has been made; b. The accounting for certain government grants; c. Related party disclosures between State owned enterprises that have no direct investment relationship. 6. Challenges faced by China in converging with IFRS. †¢ The effect of changing accounting policies involves some efforts such as: âž ¢ Re-designing the financial reporting process to ensure that management has sufficient reliable financial information with which to prepare financial statements that comply with the standards, particularly in regards to the increased levels of disclosure required, and properly supports critical accounting estimates and judgements. âž ¢ The people involved in the financial reporting process will need to develop a new expertise and competency in applying revised CAS. âž ¢ Developing new accounting policy manual; integrating new CAS internal management reporting (budgeting, forecasting, performance measurement) and external reporting (financial, statutory, investor) into daily operations across the organization. âž ¢ Implementing ongoing and sustainable processes such as valuations of share options and derivatives, impairment testing hedge documentation and effectiveness testing, etc. âž ¢ Require identification of new data requirements due to financial statements and disclosure requirements. âž ¢ Train the head office and business units of the new reporting requirements. âž ¢ Provide training to finance and also non-finance staff including key management (e.g. finance, treasury, tax, human resource and sales) on new CAS principles and new reporting requirements. THE NEW SYSTEM OF CHINESE ACCOUNTING STANDARDS Key features and impact of the new accounting standards 1. The new accounting standards represent convergence with International financial Reporting Standards. †¢ Most of the newly issued standards and revised standards make reference to the equivalent IFRS and adopt the principles and treatments similar to its counterpart. †¢ As a result, the financial statements prepared in accordance with the New Accounting Standards will be more comparable with those prepared in accordance with IFRS. †¢ Overseas investors and users of financial statements will understand the financial statements of Chinese enterprise better and the cost of re-preparing financial statements for Chinese enterprises when getting overseas listing will be reduced. 2. The requirement of fair value measurement †¢ Under the new accounting standards, debt restructuring and no-monetary transactions will be measured at fair value and gains that meet certain criteria will be recognized in the income statement. †¢ Whereas before the revision, those transactions were carried at book value and any gains arising from those transactions were not allowed to be recognized. †¢ In practice, the determination of fair values may not be easy for many entities and various valuation techniques are required. 3. Specify accounting treatments for important accounting issues such as business combinations and consolidated financial statement. †¢ In the past, there was neither formal accounting standards nor comprehensive and detailed guidelines in the area of business combinations and consolidated financial statements. †¢ As a result, accounting treatments for similar business combination transactions may have varied across different enterprises causing much confusion and inconsistency. †¢ Therefore, the issuance of the standards on â€Å"Business Combination† and â€Å"Consolidated Financial statement† will provide comprehensive and more authoritative provisions and guidelines on these important accounting issues. 4. Specify treatments on new accounting issues and certain previously off-balance-sheet items will be recorded in the balance sheet †¢ Derivative financial instruments will be recognized on the balance sheet instead of only being disclosed in the notes to the financial statements. †¢ All shares and share options granted to employees to be measured at fair value and expensed in the income statement. 5. Standards relevant to important specialized industries †¢ The New Accounting Standards will include a number of standards that are relevant to those specialized industries. †¢ For example, the four standards on â€Å"Financial Instruments† will have an impact on accounting practices in various financial institutions. †¢ The standards on â€Å"Direct Insurance Contract† and â€Å"Re-insurance Contracts† will affect players in the insurance sectors. †¢ The â€Å"Extraction of Petroleum and Natural Gas† and â€Å"Biological Assets† are standards that are issued specifically for enterprises operating in the petroleum and gas industry and agriculture industry respectively. 6. Impairment of Assets †¢ The previous accounting regulations in China allow the reversal of impairment under certain circumstances. †¢ However, under the new standard, it specifies that any recognized impairment loss for fixed assets and intangible assets cannot be reversed in future accounting periods. †¢ The restriction on impairment loss reversal does not apply to inventories, trade receivables and bank loans. 7. More detailed requirements on disclosure †¢ The new standards provide users of financial statements with more relevant and transparent information, which will facilitate their economic decision-making. †¢ For instances, in respect of accounting policies and accounting estimates, the basis for the determination of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates is required to be disclosed. †¢ In relation to financial instruments, a detailed disclosure on the enterprise’s financial risk exposure is now required. 8. Transitional adjustments †¢ The New Accounting Standards were applicable to listed companies effective from 1 January 2007. †¢ The MOF has issued transitional provisions which are included in the standard on â€Å"First Time Adoption of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises†. †¢ The standard requires that at the date of transaction, an entity should reclassify, recognize and measure all assets, liabilities and owners’ equity in accordance with the New Accounting Standards and prepare an opening balance sheet. †¢ These transitional provisions may reduce the workload and complexities for preparers’ adoption of the New Accounting Standards.

Common Wealth Games

After having organized the Asiad Games successfully in 1982 at Delhi, India has been fortunate enough to be honoured by Commonwealth Games Federation to perform the duties of a host nation to the 19th edition of Commonwealth Games scheduled to be inaugurated on October 3, 2010 at Jawahar Lal Nehru Stadium. The Grand Gala opening ceremony was two-and-half hours duration which was a must-see event for sports lovers all over the world. Initially, these games were organized in different names.From 1930 to 1950, they were known as British Empire Games. From 1954 to 1966 the games were styled as British Empire and Commonwealth Games. From 1970 to 1974 the games were called British Commonwealth Games and finally from 1978, these games were re-christened as Commonwealth Games. Since then no change has taken place in the nomenclature. The Commonwealth Games are entirely based on Modern Olympic Games pattern. They are conducted and organized regularly after every four years interval.All rules regulations of Modern Olympic Games apply to Commonwealth Games in letter and spirit. The difference between Olympic Games and Commonwealth Games is that while Olympic Games covers 27 disciplines of competitive sports, Commonwealth Games organisation is holding competition only in 17 sports disciplines. Therefore, Commonwealth Games can justifiably be termed as â€Å"Mini Olympics†. Almost 10,000 sportspersons, including coaches and officials from 71 Commonwealth nations, would be in the fray to vie for supremacy in skills, speed, strength and stamina.As expected, Australia, Britain and Canada with their biggest contingents of sportspersons would most likely be dominating the present event, but India – the host nation – would not be lagging far behind. India’s prospects at the Games are certainly bright. The host nation is expected to win medals in the following disciplines. Archery and wrestling have been most popular pastime for the population of ancien t civilisations of India, Greece and Egypt. These countries have traditionally been producing good archers and wrestlers.Indian archers have very recently won a gold medal in Archery’s ‘Recurve’ event at Shanghai. The Recurve team of India consisting of Rahul Bannerji, Jayant Taluqedar and Tarun Deep defeated Japan’s Archery team. India’s superiority is fully established in this event and is expected to win at least one gold medal in the discipline. India has had a glamorous past in wrestling too. The country’s famous wrestler, Gama, better known as Rusteme-e-Zama, is said to have participated in London’s unofficial world wrestling Championship in 1930 where he defeated the reigning world champion Czevasko of Russia.Maintaining the glorious tradition in wrestling, Sudhir Kumar, the present Gama of India, defeated another Russian wrestler in Russia very recently. Besides Sudhir Kumar, there are other wrestlers like Yogeshwer Dutt, Anil Kumar and others who can bring laurels to the country in different weight categories. Chances are galore for India to win several medals in this sport. In boxing event also, India has a good opportunity to win more than one gold medal, besides several silver and bronze medals.India’s star Boxers are Vijendra Singh, Akhil Kumar, Nanao, Chhote Lal Yadav and Surronjay Singh, who would be definite winners of medals in this sport. Last, but not the least, one must not forget Mary Kom, the mercurial boxer who has won world title for the fifth time. After boxing, shooting is another discipline of sports in which Abhinay Bindra of India has excelled by winning gold medal in 2008 Beijing Olympics. Besides Abhinay Bindra, there are Manav Jeet Sidhhu, Gagan Narang and Tejasvi Sawant who are expected to perform well and add to the tally of medals.In badminton event the famous Saina Nehwal would be leading the campaign from the front along with Chetan Anand and mixed double pair of Jwala Gutta and Diju to win a gold, silver and bronze medals at Delhi Commonwealth Games. In lawn tennis, India has good chance of winning several medals. There is a renowned doubles pair of Leander Paise and Mahesh Bhupati who are expected to be winners in their event. Sania Mirza is also peaking at the right time to find herself at the podium of victory.Weight lifting is a tough discipline of sports in which India has excelled in the    past. Frontal campaign would be led by VS Rao, Monika Devi, Ravi Kumar and Sonu Chunnu who are expected to win many medals in this sports event. After the disastrous display of hockey at the last World Cup Championship at Delhi, India’s Hockey team, led by a Enterprising captain namely Raj Pal Singh, is said to have been rejuvenated if the recent international exposure is any indication.India has a good opportunity to salvage its lost prestige at Delhi. On record India’s hockey team appears to be the third best team in present competition , but there are two strong opponents against India- one is Australian hockey team-the current World Champion and other is England’s Hockey team –   the European Champion. If India can defeat these teams, it is likely to win a gold medal. Last, but not the least, is the athletics event.Athletics is said to be the mother of all games in sports, but strangely enough, the present youth of the country is not attracted towards athletics and therefore it is the most neglected discipline in the country. Still there is a hope to win some medals also in this discipline. All in all, Indian sportspersons must take full advantage of the home grounds. I am sure the Indian sports lovers will try their level best to inspire the sportspersons to highest pitch so that they can garner more than 120 medals, surpassing the previous Indian achievement at Commonwealth Games.It is really disheartening to note that star athletes of the world like Usain Bolt, Olympic and World Champion in 100 and 200 mtrs dash, Asafa Powell, former World Champion of 100mtr sprint and Shelley Ann-Fraser- the women 100 mtr Olympic Champion (All Jamicans) have decided to skip the present Commonwealth Games. Their absence would definitely dampen the spirit of sports lovers of the country. India’s organizational skill is at stake. If we prove our mettle by organising the event successfully and flawlessly the current Common Wealth Games at Delhi, India can legitimately and honourably claim to host the future Olympics at Delhi.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Higher Education

In Classical vs. Modern Education: The Principal Difference article from the second issue of Classical Homeschooling Magazine, Patrick Carmack compares and critizes the both classical and new modern education models in terms of effectiveness and ethics. Within the samples from Socrates’ classical education understanding, the article points out that altering education system becomes an inanimate occurrence which ignores the soul of human beings and considers them as a sort of computer, a creation solely having a brain to use as a data storage.As the author clarifies at the article by giving definitions of either type of education, education is much more complex than it seems, not merely gain information but also widen self’s horizon and learn to differentiate between good and bad, then being able to aim to goodness. Therefore the basic content of the education, what Carmack claims, should involve feelings, emotions – the most mentioned in the article is love- in o rder to have ‘‘well-rounded, cultured gentlemen and ladies, capable of addressing any problem or situation in life with the maximum likelihood both of success and personal happiness’’ (para. ). Carmack also touches upon the homeschooling issue, in a positive perspective in consequence of children who is educated or continue it by their family -except paramount situations- in a habitual, loving environment. Despite many obstacles and disadvantages author considers homeschooling as ‘‘the single greatest advantage’’ of progressive education. Another point is, the adoption of the German kindergarten model has lessened the early home formation years of children’s.Moreover this has received the chance from kids to learn culture of their homes. As Carmack mentions at the beginning, since every individual has distinct features and characteristics, it should be taken into consideration that not everyone has the same IQ, interests and culture. Thus, it is essential for a child to know self’s own culture in the cause of built their own identity solidly and this can be only learned in an environment which provides the necessary cumulative cultural factors.All in all, writer engages attention to Socratic way of educating love and, defends it against the modern, in another words progressive education, clarifies the misunderstanding about the education’s aims and, emphasizes the necessity of consideration on individuals which have diverse characteristics; IQ, learning type, interests, culture, etc.. Higher Education In Classical vs. Modern Education: The Principal Difference article from the second issue of Classical Homeschooling Magazine, Patrick Carmack compares and critizes the both classical and new modern education models in terms of effectiveness and ethics. Within the samples from Socrates’ classical education understanding, the article points out that altering education system becomes an inanimate occurrence which ignores the soul of human beings and considers them as a sort of computer, a creation solely having a brain to use as a data storage.As the author clarifies at the article by giving definitions of either type of education, education is much more complex than it seems, not merely gain information but also widen self’s horizon and learn to differentiate between good and bad, then being able to aim to goodness. Therefore the basic content of the education, what Carmack claims, should involve feelings, emotions – the most mentioned in the article is love- in o rder to have ‘‘well-rounded, cultured gentlemen and ladies, capable of addressing any problem or situation in life with the maximum likelihood both of success and personal happiness’’ (para. ). Carmack also touches upon the homeschooling issue, in a positive perspective in consequence of children who is educated or continue it by their family -except paramount situations- in a habitual, loving environment. Despite many obstacles and disadvantages author considers homeschooling as ‘‘the single greatest advantage’’ of progressive education. Another point is, the adoption of the German kindergarten model has lessened the early home formation years of children’s.Moreover this has received the chance from kids to learn culture of their homes. As Carmack mentions at the beginning, since every individual has distinct features and characteristics, it should be taken into consideration that not everyone has the same IQ, interests and culture. Thus, it is essential for a child to know self’s own culture in the cause of built their own identity solidly and this can be only learned in an environment which provides the necessary cumulative cultural factors.All in all, writer engages attention to Socratic way of educating love and, defends it against the modern, in another words progressive education, clarifies the misunderstanding about the education’s aims and, emphasizes the necessity of consideration on individuals which have diverse characteristics; IQ, learning type, interests, culture, etc..

Monday, July 29, 2019

Computer Control Systems Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Computer Control Systems - Assignment Example The number of right-half plane roots of the characteristic equation (closed-loop poles) is given by the number of sign changes in the first column of the array. By inspection, there are no sign changes. There are no roots with positive real parts. Since the array was constructed without a 0 appearing anywhere in the first column, there are no roots on the jw axis. The second system is slightly more complex, but the Routh array is formed in the same manner. Note that the number of terms in each row decreases by 1 at each odd-powered row, and that the last element in each even-powered row is the constant coefficient from the characteristic equation. Since there are no sign changes, there are no roots in the right-half plane. There are no roots on the jw axis since there were no 0s in the first column. The third system is the same as the second system except that the gain has been increased by a factor of 10. Note that several of the coefficients in the characteristic equation have changed. Also note that there is a negative coefficient in the polynomial. That guarantees that there is at least one unstable root. Since the constant coefficient is positive, there is an even number of unstable roots. Examination of the first column of the array shows that there are 2 sign changes, from +761.7 to -355.5 and from -355.5 to +120. Therefore, there are 2 roots of the characteristic equation with positive real parts and 2 closed-loop poles in the right-half plane. The location of those roots is not available. ... The number of right-half plane roots of the characteristic equation (closed-loop poles) is given by the number of sign changes in the first column of the array. By inspection, there are no sign changes. Therefore, there are no roots with positive real parts. Since the array was constructed without a 0 appearing anywhere in the first column, there are no roots on the jw axis. The second system is slightly more complex, but the Routh array is formed in the same manner. Note that the number of terms in each row decreases by 1 at each odd-powered row, and that the last element in each even-powered row is the constant coefficient from the characteristic equation. Since there are no sign changes, there are no roots in the right-half plane. There are no roots on the jw axis since there were no 0s in the first column. The third system is the same as the second system except that the gain has been increased by a factor of 10. Note that several of the coefficients in the characteristic equation have changed. Also note that there is a negative coefficient in the polynomial. That guarantees that there is at least one unstable root. Since the constant coefficient is positive, there is an even number of unstable roots. Examination of the first column of the array shows that there are 2 sign changes, from +761.7 to -355.5 and from -355.5 to +120. Therefore, there are 2 roots of the characteristic equation with positive real parts and 2 closed-loop poles in the right-half plane. The location of those roots is not available from the Routh array. Since there were no 0s in the first column, there are no poles on the jw axis. The last system has its gain K left as a variable. We want to determine the upper and lower bounds on K

Sunday, July 28, 2019

New studies now show that social background determines pupils' Essay

New studies now show that social background determines pupils' success. If as it is suggested, 'Class Does Matter', does it - Essay Example Each class may be further sub divided into smaller of these classes (e.g. educational).The most basic of all still lies between powerful and powerlessness. (Robert 1975, Turner 1990) According to Encyclopedia Britannica social class is also known as the class, a group of such people within any society that possess similar socioeconomic status. Besides being vital in social theory, the concept of social class as a collection of individuals who share similar economic circumstances it is been widely use in social mobility. According to Judith Martin There are three social classes: upper middle class, middle class, and lower middle class. Today social Class determines pupil’s success It is true that social class determines people success. Children belonging to disadvantage areas suffer the most say the report by Liberal Democrats. It further sheds light on the low probability of poorest children becoming doctors, senior civil servants lawyers and financiers. The social mobility co mmission highlights the importance of this mobility agenda and share its investment in this sector, however still the working class children’ suffer the most. ... (Walton, 2010) Last year (in 2008) educational sector report showed only 35% of students eligible for free school meals got five or more C above GCSE grades, against 63% of students from wealthier backgrounds. From early 80’s to late 90s, the proportion of poor children graduating from Universities has risen only by 3%, against 26% from wealthier backgrounds, the Liberal Democrat report says. The chair commissioner Mr. Martin Narey, CEO of children's charity Barnardo's, says: "Inconsiderate of progress in decreasing child poor background and heavy investment in education, a student’s chances of success in UK today are still greatly dependent on the earnings and background of its parents." (Political News, 2009) Education has been tried in older days to remove the class differences arising due to the financial differences. However, by 2000 education subject to the market principles had become rather a commodity and a competitive business rather than polishing up for the democratic society. (Tomlinson, S, 2005 under Education in a Post Welfare Society, p.1) The Social mobility commission advises ministers to donate more sums to schools with the poorest students and to teachers who working in such "a society of consistent inequality". Moreover, it suggests allowing child tax credits only to families with low-income background and these loans should non-bearing interest such as interest-free loans. This would help widening poor student's access to higher qualification such as medicine, civil service, media, law, and the armed forces. And an institution of higher education justifies the title when it promotes educational processes of proper kind (Barnett, R 1990 under The Idea of Higher Education, p.202). The committee

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Exam 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5

Exam 2 - Essay Example Through criticism, scientists are able to conduct more research on the evolution of and this will lead to more elaborate and clear understanding of the collect evolution. This can be clearly be seen from the research that lead to the understanding evolution of prokaryotic and eukaryotic as Marguli always needed to prove the reality behind the growth of Flagella as opposed by most of the scientists at the start. The piecemeal acceptance of the new theories was because of unclear defined evidences to the growth of the cell evolution. But the piece to piece acceptance also was contributed by criticizing scientists .For instance ,Marguli’s first book in 1970 on endosymbiosis although new to most of the scientist those who knew of it dismissed it making her to carefully again distinguish her ideas clearly from others like Ivan Wallin who first wrote of it. The only way to resolve a problem between two parties is by producing clear and substantial evidence that is used to oversee the evidence of the other. Controversial theories on the evolution between Marguli and other scientists for instance, her presenting a wide would only solve the close competitive theory by F.J.R Taylor and well explained with touchable evidence on the evolution of the cells like Prokaryotic and eukaryotic, mitochondria, chloroplast and flagella. Due to the criticism and dismissal of her scientific theory. Margulis was encouraged to clearly do research in order to fully gain acceptance on the cell evolution theory. Thus, she based her cell evolution on the past study of Ivan Walliam .As a result, by the end of a decade after his first book on 1970 she came up with analogies that were greatly accepted worldwide. She ended up gaining popularity on the Set theory than the autogency theory that emphasized on the end symbiosis. For instance Margulis in her Set theory she confirmed that few intermediates between prokaryotic and

Friday, July 26, 2019

Apple brand marketing campaigns positively influences Apples corporate Research Paper

Apple brand marketing campaigns positively influences Apples corporate identity in the consumes mind - Research Paper Example To build that kind of brand image, organizations will come up with brand marketing campaigns before and after the launch of the new products or services, which will entice and impress upon the eyes, ears and thereby the minds of the intended consumers. Then, when the launched products or services live up to the expectations of the campaigns and becomes successful, it will create an optimal impact for the organization, bringing in more consumers. Aaker (2004) discussed that a strong brand is a helpful and useful tool to establish an image and status for the organization, which in will influence the client to go the organization’s products, thereby building a solid and loyal customer franchise. Apple Inc. is one organization, which has been able to achieve this perfectly with its effective marketing campaigns. Srivastavaa and Thomas (2010) validates this fact by stating that Apple’s brand marketing campaigns has been one of its key components to its success, as it helped it to develop an positive brand image, which in turn played an important role in how consumers viewed it as a company, and importantly influenced them to buy its wide range of products. Apple Inc. started building a strong brand in the 1980s and 1990s, with campaigns like the Super Bowl commercial titled â€Å"1984†, the â€Å"Think Different campaign† in 1990s, etc. According to Kahney (2002), John Sculley, the former CEO at Apple Inc., increased Apple advertising budget from $15 million to $100 million in early 90s, and the current CEO, Steve Jobs spent close to $100 million in the marketing campaigns of iMac alone. With these spending and effective marketing campaigns, Apple Inc. was able to create a positive corporate identity, which greatly appealed to the client base, and importantly made them to support Apple Inc. even during its worst times. That is, when Apple’s products did not do well and when the company faced tough financial crisis, its brand image and the resultant consumers’ affinity towards it, only helped it to survive. As stated by marketer Marc Globe, â€Å"Apple is about imagination, design and innovation. It goes beyond commerce. This business should have been dead 10 years ago, but people said we've got to support it.† (qtd. in HWM, 2004). Chernatony & McDonald (2003) further adds up by stating, when a product or a service has a strong brand image, â€Å"customers perceive them as having value over and above that of the ‘equivalent’ commodity, or in excess of the sum of the price of the product’s or service’s constituent parts†. After a resurge due to its strong brand image, Apple Inc. was able to further elevate its corporate identity in the consumers’ mind with the launch of its successful flagship product, iPod in 2001. Its worldwide success gave Apple a strong corporate identity of a technological major, who can come up with products, which are innovative, adv anced and multi-purpose. That is, Apple’s products came to be recognized by consumers as high-end information and communications technology hardware, manufactured by a strong organization (Potter, 2006). In 2006, Apple Computers' survival and success hinged on two new initiatives - incorporation of Intel Processors to its PC's and its plans to succeed in digital

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Eastern religious traditions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Eastern religious traditions - Essay Example Accordingly, the tradition belief of the Islamic religion is peculiar in numerous ways; however, its pillars are fundamental in its description and appreciation. The Islamic tradition reveals that, the God, Allah of the Muslim believers is one, ancient with nothing foregoing Him; He is everlasting without end, abiding without termination and subsisting without cessation. This explanation intends to explain the strength and respect bestowed to Allah. It is imperative to note that the tradition attributed to the Islamic religion is immensely attributed to the major distinct features of Allah. They include transcendence, life and power, knowledge, will, hearing and sight, speech and works. It is realizable that from these distinct features the character traits of Allah are manifested. Some of them include a hearer. He hears His peoples supplication; He speaks in various forms such as commanding, threatening promising and forbidding. Moreover, the Quran describes Allah as the source of l ife and power as He manifests Himself as the Almighty, powerful and all subduing. â€Å"Who is the Lord and Sustainer of the heavens and the earth?" Say: "It is Allah." Say: "Do ye then take (for worship) protectors other than Him such as have no power either for good or for harm to themselves?" Say: "Are the blind equal with those who see? Or the depths of darkness equal with Light?" Or do they assign to Allah partners who have created (anything) as He has created so that the creation seemed to them similar? Say: "Allah is the Creator of all things: He is the One the Supreme and Irresistible.† (Holy Quran Chapter 13 Surah Raad verse 16). It is evident that this tradition of the Islamic religion involves God called Allah. This study reveals that, Allah is the God of the Islamic believers and none rescinds His command nor supplements His decrees. It is notable that His attributes as described do not resemble

EDUCATIONAL URBAN TOUR 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

EDUCATIONAL URBAN TOUR 2 - Essay Example The website to the event is The event is open to all people, although, kids aged between 5 and 10 years will find it to be more fun. There is no entrance fee charged for the camp, with the only requirement being a T shirt worth $ 10. More parents have been taking their kids to attend the program, and mostly find themselves recommending the event to other parents. Kids are taught on how to be self-reliant when faced with certain situations (â€Å"Metropolitan YMCA of the Oranges†). According to the website, â€Å"Metropolitan YMCA of the Oranges† the YMCA organization encourages healthy habits, and thus organizes a program called the â€Å"Healthy U Program† that is focused on supporting families in their efforts to build the pillars that support a healthy family home. The five pillars according to the â€Å"Healthy U Program† are healthy eating, playing every day, going outside, eating well, getting together and sleeping well. It is due to these reasons that the organization organizes open gym for the family, where families spend quality time being healthy. During this time, the event is free to all members only, and the family will spend quality and active fun, held at the Turreell Gymnasium, 159 N, Munn Avenue, East Orange. ... en The Horizon Foundation for New Jersey and the YMCA which has been incorporated in all East Orange YMCA preschool and Afterschool programs for the youth. The program is designed to combat obesity in children by encouraging behavioural change. The New Jersey Explorer Children’s Museum, located in 192 Dodd East Orange, NJ 07017, and organizes various events for children such as school camps and birth day party groups. School camps and other groups are free for adults’ entry, while every child is required to pay an admission fee of $ 7. It also organizes special field trips that are free for school’s admissions for qualifying school programs. The phone number for booking trip admissions is (973) 673 6900 or (201) 200-310. Birthday party groups are charged at $ 10 per child, and $ 8 per child for 15 or more children. The class can opt to book the birthday party group for a child who is celebrating birthday. Children are treated with various fun events like the trav elling exhibits, split second stories, and treasures of the ancient kings, arts and crafts, bridge of books partnership, stargazer, the village and also the jukebox timeline. The website to the New Jersey Explorer Children’s Museum is If a booked admission is cancelled within five days, no charges are charged, while cancellations with less than five days will attract a charge of $25. A confirmation letter is emailed, faxed or mailed to the client (â€Å"Jersey Explorer Children’s Museum†). The Newark museum offers various activities to various groups of people and clients, tailor made to fit the tastes and requirements of the group. Children are treated to various events, with Makerspace being an example. The event takes place in every 3rd Saturday of every month, from 1,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Understand the implications of finance as a resource within a business Assignment

Understand the implications of finance as a resource within a business - Assignment Example The estimation of cash requirements of a company and the various decisions related to the ways of generating cash is also sometimes referred to as the financial plan. Financial planning is thus important and helpful in determining the ways through which the companies can generate cash to make the various investment decisions possible for them. Cash budgeting, which is a part of financial planning, helps assess the ways in which available cash should be utilized y the company to achieve its financial objectives. Failure to arrange for adequate finance could lead to problems for the company, and it will not be able to carry on its business activities because of limited funds required for the purpose of implementing its various investment objectives. All these facts suggest that financial plan is critical to any business organization for its future growth and sustainability. Financial information of a company is generally presented through the financial statements prepared by its accountants. The users of financial information of an organisation can either be its external users or the internal users. The internal users or the users within the organisation are mainly the management accountants of the company, who use the financial information present in the financial statements of the company to make various business decisions (Sinha, 2009, p. 21). The managers of the company are also the internal users who are engaged in the activities related to planning and controlling the daily business operations of the organisation (Nikolai, Bazley and Jones, 2009, p. 7). The financial information is utilised by them to make decisions regarding internal operations to be conducted within the organisation. For example, the managers decide on the purchase of new equipment based on the financial information provided to them by the management accountants through the fin ancial

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Cultural diversity in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Cultural diversity in America - Essay Example Culture influences basically in the way of behavior, way of living, and way of speech. It is a habit formation that takes place when one grows in a particular society and the innate quality to learn from his surrounding in order to cope up with his environment is the unique part of character inherent in human being which develops while growing in the community. Culture has substantial influence in groups and individual each human is the product of the culture where he lives that even has an unconscious influence on each human it has become human identification. Most of the society has their own culture and are proud of its culture, and when two or more cultures come in contact together there arises a diversity in that culture. United State is highly enriched with cultural diversities as people from all over the world settled here leading to cultural differences. Most of Americans face cultural differences in their life. Globalization brought the world together and with the development of global economic system and the rise of international cooperation and business community has helped to bring people from all over the world with different cultures into face-to-face contact. It has been a providing shelter for every one, hence people from all over the world are migrating to America, and America is a nation with diverse cultures and has always taken pride in their diversity. Culture has always attracted anthropologists, educators, historians, and sociologists to explore various aspects of culture and its implications in their field. The dive rsity of culture also brought conflicts between various cultural groups and caused various social problems. Cultural diversity in America has been a matter of debate and people from different cultures face problems in schools, colleges, universities, institutions, government and business circle What constitutes race and ethnic character of human is the out ward physical and

Monday, July 22, 2019

The attempt to manage population change Essay Example for Free

The attempt to manage population change Essay Thailand had a massive population problem where in 1970 it had a large youthful population and an ageing population which can create a lot of problems for the economy and country in the future so Thailand had various schemes in order to fix this, these being split into social, economic and political solution. The main way to decrease population is to increase the amount of contraceptives used and available by the public so socially condoms became available anyway for example the cinema or festivals even traffic jams, this would mean that more people would have access to condoms and ultimately have less children. Although condoms became the main feature of the campaign, the Thai government also supported Mechais efforts by making a wide range of contraceptives available to the public too for example the pill. Thailand was one of the first countries to use intravenous contraceptive DPMA and is one of the largest users. This was a successful as most Thais were open to accepting new ideas so were rooting for this new campaign, these contraceptive methods were spread to rural areas too so all of Thailand benefited from this. This also created free and readily available sterilisation which promoted the use of birth control, PDA offer free vasectomies at festivals on the kings birthday too. This success was due to the large egalitarian relationship between men and women, it is also higher than most developed countries in the world and this promoted family planning because of the contraceptive use which was available for both genders, also the advances and improvements in healthcare for mothers and children had a large role to play in the success of the scheme. Schools and university schemes helped to also teach the younger population about contraceptives and family planning to insure that they use contraceptives in the future, this plan was reinforced by the fact that 90% had a high literacy rate which means that the educational opportunities are the same and they are taught the importance of family planning and contraceptive use. They also use things like condoms and cabbages to break down barriers in conversations regarding this subject. Thailands population is largely made up of  Buddhists, around 95% of the population are Buddhist. Family planning in the Buddhist scriptures are also a reason why this scheme has been successful, for example it says many children make you poor telling the population to increase their use of contraceptives to economically benefit which brings me to my next point. The economy plays a large role in the task to bring down the birth rate and decrease the ageing population. PDA offers loans linked to contraception use and preference was given to applicants who were practising family planning. Loans were based on character, credit worthiness and the type of project. Interest rates were substantially lower than traditional moneylenders in poor rural communities. This encouraged couples to family plan in order to obtain more money and increase their standard of living leading to the use of contraceptives and healthcare and larger loans were given to those who used more successful methods of contraception. PDA provided loans to build rain water catchment jars for drinking water set up rice banks, pig banks and buffalo banks. The PDA provided loans to build rain water catchment jars for drinking water so No money was involved just a loan in the form of the animal which would benefit those who live in rural areas and farm or cant afford to buy meat, this also encourages the use of family planning and contraceptive use. Lastly they recognised the effect that it can have on tourism if HIV/AIDS spreads and becomes a high rate, so the economic schemes were successful due to the growth in urban population and also the high rates of urban and industrial growth. I feel that the political changes created the biggest impact on the attempt on population change and was able to successfully do so, in 1971 family planning was made a national goal so was recognised by the whole of Thailand, Mechai Viravaidya launched the PDA which is an Investment in combatting Aids and poor international reputation for sex tourism which lead to a 20x increase investment which reduced from 2% in 1990 to 1.2% 2015. There is also a backup of 100% government enforcement campaign in sex establishments. These schemes were schemes were successful due to the creative drive, imagination marketing from the genius of Mechai Viravaidya in addition the PDA worked closely with the government. In conclusion I feel that the attempt to manage population change has been a success as in 2010 the birth rate has decreased dramatically and these schemes have been recognised globally which shows that there methods to manage the change in population to be very effective and successful for the reasons I have explained.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Technology Used By Drug Dealers Information Technology Essay

Technology Used By Drug Dealers Information Technology Essay The Report discuss about the case of an arrested drug dealer who is suspected of the operations which are running with the help of laptop. In the first part of the report it gives the details about main technologies which the suspect makes use in order to communicate with his co-conspirators, it also points out the problems posed by the technologies in carrying out the forensic investigation. In the second part the report discuss about the possible sources of evidence which could be obtained from the laptops file system. 2. Computer Forensics: Computer forensics is a branch of forensic science permitting to legal evidence found in computers and digital storage media, it is also known as digital forensics. The goal of computer forensics is to explain the current state of a digital artefact; where as the term digital artefact can includes computer system, storage medium and an electronic document. The subject of computer forensics has evolved into major field in the legal systems around the world, in the year 2002 the FBI stated that fifty percent of the cases the FBI now opens involve a computer[1].similar to the pathological forensic which is called the forensic medicine where as the body temperature cuts and marks etc are looked for, clues and marks are looked within the system memory to get the detail description which effects to the relationship of the crime, these are looked by the digital forensic. We can make a challenge for the digital forensic which involves retrieving the data from the existing or from the deleted files. The challenge of the digital forensic examiner is to To determine what type of pasts have been produced the evidence before us. To understand what type of pasts could not have produced the evidence before us. Able to give a demonstration on the value of the assessment to the third parties which it should be understanding to them. 3. Technology used by drug dealers: According to the current analysis we have to find the answers for the questions that are critical which are the possible key technologies that the drug dealer could possible uses it, There are three questions: Qno1: what is the need for the illicit drug dealers to turn on the computer technologies to run their business? Qno2: What are the attractive technologies that a drug dealer uses to perform his communication with co-conspirators without being caught by the police? Qno3: How and what possible conclusions can be obtained from the analysis? 4. about the new technology: Ans1: answer to the first one is twofold. Ans2: the latest communication technologies used by the drug dealers are To reach the larger audience and to expand the base of the business To run the operations as secretly as possible And not to leave any evidence to the police. According to the current situation the dealings and the business runs by using the mobile phones, mobile phones are the most widely used by the drug dealers for the communication but this trend is changing because now a days the mobiles can be tapped on the network and even if the phone is misplaced or lost then the contacts of all the drug dealers can be revealed and by using the mobile phones they cant communicate in the crowded places. Hence the selection of the new ways of communication is imminent. The advent of modern network technologies like computer to computer communication technologies and social networking websites had made the communication strong and had opened the new ways to communicate through the various places for the each individual. The technologies adopted by the drug dealers for the communication is Spamming net drug dealer gets 30years in prison revealed by CNET news in the year 2007 2nd august Italian drug dealers as early adapters of innovative communications technology revealed by Experiential in the year 2008 23rd august. Google site used by drug gang revealed by BBC news in the year 2005 22nd July. 5. Key technologies used for communications by drug dealers: Listed below are some of the key communication technologies that a drug dealer is believed to be using to perform his operations. 1. Instant messenger programmes 2. Social networking websites 3. VOIP programs 4. Email encryption programs and spamming. 5. Content sharing websites. 6. Private online chat rooms. 7. Blogging and micro blogging websites. Instant messenger Programmes: Instant messenger programmes had been the main source because these are fast and easy and they are available in the market for a quite while now, popular programmes like Google talk, yahoo messenger, windows live messenger, meebo and many other are used by a large number of users. These instant messenger programmes can be linked with free instant messenger chat encryption software which is used to available easily in the internet. IM ENCRYPTO is one such software which can be used in conjunction with the yahoo messenger and establish the secure connections which can only be deciphered by the computer which is having the correct encryption key. Having installed the program need to be generated a key pair which is used for the encryption and decryption, this type of operation is performed on the second stage of IM Crypto configuration wizard, and one more important point about the software is that the others cannot see the chat messages and they only see the garbled set of characters, but this software must be installed by the two parties where the communication is done. Social networking websites: There are so many social networking websites like face book, orkut, Hi5, Friendster MySpace, net log etc, The social networking sites also serve the qualitative purpose of the drug market as majority of the consumers of illegal drugs happen to be teenagers who are also largest spenders of time on the social networking websites and hence they have a great probability of being contacted by a drug dealer. The drug dealer could also use these social networking sites to keep in contact, exchange information, advertise his products, recruit new drug peddlers, and get information on events and student gatherings all at the easy and privacy offered by these websites. Orkut is one such popular website which it is to be operated by the Google which it is on the news on the recent days for the wrong reasons. Criminals such as the drug peddlers establish members-only groups on popular social networking websites and then exchange messages and information with other members. And also the advent of 3G mobile communications ensured mobility and faster connectivity to the internet. Hence the drug dealers can communicate through social networking websites right from their mobile phones using unsecure wifi hot spots and hence get away un-detected. Similar to Instant messenger programmes, the social networkings websites can also used on the 3G phones and hence pose a danger of highly secure communication channel to the drug peddlers. VOIP programmes: VoIP programmes could very well be the most popular and useful communication between the drug dealers because softwares like Skype is so useful in the communication because it offers with the less cost and even it is the secured communication Skype has been the most used software in the VoIP programmes which are followed by windows messenger and yahoo messenger. These VoIP programmes is that which it helps the drug dealers to communicate by the voice and by the video with their customers through the internet, it is the most secure communication to the drug dealers and these conversations cannot be intercepted by the police. According to the Reports in BBC website, officers in milian say organised crime, arms and drug traffickers, and prostitution rings are turning to Skype in order to frustrate investigators. stated that on 20/05/2010 that the Italy police warn of Skype threat Skype programme is secure because it uses the encryption system and it is easily available in the market where as the encryption system the company keeps the issue confidential and even it does not discloses to the law enforcement agencies. So according to the sources available in VoIP programmes the drug dealers uses this communication to perform their operations. Email encryption programmes and spamming: Data encryption is the source where it is done in a process because nobody can read the data or message expects the person whom the data is addressed. Drug dealers will very well make use of the different email encryptions like pipeline exchange, certified mail, read notify, which these encryptions work with the e-mail clients like Microsoft-outlook. Drug dealers send the spam messages to the people through email about their business, they use the email communication as the source to their advertisements in free off costs we have seen so many spam messages appear in Google mail accounts. Recently a famous website named stated on 17/05/2010 that drug dealing spammers hits the Gmail accounts Encryption is a technique that it changes the data into a gibberish value by using the mathematical algorithms this helps the drug dealers to communicate the data to the addressed person, and no other can read the data, gibberish value means the data will be written in technical word or in the meaningless sentences, if the recipient has the confidential key needed to decrypt the message the date will be changed back to the original message. The increasing phenomenon taking place in the internet is that if the criminals hiring the spammers and the specialists in IT, because the can promote the website where the drugs can be sold illegally. But these types of spammed websites can be quickly discovered, but the drug tracking dealers use the different multiple layers. 5. Content sharing websites: Content sharing websites like mega upload, rapid share, Z Share etc are used by the drug dealers for communication and also torrent sharing websites are used for the communication. Websites like p2p sharing programmes and client softwares are also used by the drug dealers for the communication. Drug dealers use this because these types of websites can share the more content and can uses to upload or download for minimum of 10mb for free off cost. Whereas the lime wire, bit torrent, u torrent helps to upload or download the torrent files in the internet which these comes under the p2p sharing programmes. But compared to the other communications used by the drug dealers this is little bit slower but is secured. 6. Private online chat rooms: Private online chat rooms offer drug dealers and other criminals such as terrorists with secure communication channels where exchange of information can only be understood by the communicating end users this is a form of synchronous conferencing which it exchanges text messages on the internet. Encryption technologies like SSL are applied by the private chat rooms because to make it impossible to access their conversations to any interceptor and even makes impossible to build evidence. 7. Blogging and micro blogging websites: Similar to the social networking websites the drug dealers uses the websites like twitter they form the members in groups, where they can make messages and information and this information can be made updated daily and it can reach all the members and in the groups in that network, this way of communication is secure and fast. Which it provides a most secure and fast mode of communication to the drug dealers, and no large chunks of data will be transferred as in a VoIP call or no packet sniffers can be used to intercept keywords in emails and in instant messages. Drug dealers places their advertisements in the famous websites like they simply put an option to click if the button is clicked it directly goes to the websites of the drug dealers and it is accessed , using these type blogs by drug dealers develop their drug business. 6. Conclusions: As per the above analysis the most secure and used communication by the drug dealers is the VoIP programme softwares because this uses the Skype software and it is used with free of cost and secure of all the communication because it provides video calling and then the drug dealers can be sure that they are talking to the right person and the information that they are transmitting is reaching the right person and the Skype software is easy to access and is easy for the installation. The most important plus point in Skype is the impenetrable security aspect which the drug dealers can understand very well and hence use the system without putting their identities and information. Another key observation from the above analysis is that the drug dealers mainly follows the encryption techniques as the mode of communication, because they largely dependent on the encryption techniques .Be it the encrypted email, encrypted instant messenger programmes etc. All these technologies use method of encryption system that makes the flowing information gibberish to anyone other than the person with the right key to decrypt the message. Hence the computer forensics experts can easily find out the cracks and codes for those type of encryption and decryption methods and nab the criminals and can mount an evidence against them. 7. Analysis of possible sources evidence in the laptop file system: Extraction of evidence from a computer file system and from other digital devices like mobile phones and PDAs usually deals with the extraction of the contents of the files and the folders which are available in the laptop file system. It also deals with the extracted content from the files and folders as the interpreted data where as the interpreted data can be used for the process of the ongoing investigation to complete the digital forensic. Even though it reveals all the data, it is difficult and hard to the digital forensic expert to find out and it poses the real challenge. This section of the report deals with the discussion on the possible places where evidence may be found on the laptop file system. It also deals in finding the relative importance of the evidence by classifying it on the basis of the evidence obtained and the sources of the evidence obtained. 8 .Sources of evidence in the laptop file system: In order to understand the possible places in the file system we have to understand the file system and the technologies used for it They should have a technical knowledge on Software packages present on the laptop The operating system of the laptop The file systems in the laptop The type data organization that is available in the laptop. The forensic analysis on the seized laptop of the drug dealer would certainly contain thousands if not millions of files. Each of these files can be broadly classified into either user created files system files There may be a number of locations to look for on the file systems and therefore it is important to make a note. Possible locations of finding digital evidence: Email files. Calendars. Address books. Documents or text files. Bookmarks and favourites Text and document files. Image or graphic files Compressed files. Hidden files. Audio files Video files. Spread sheet files. Shared files. Downloaded files Uploaded files. The possible locations under the system created files are Log files Swap files History files Temporary files Back up files System files Cookies Printer files Hidden files Configuration files Storage files Large files Data files Drive files Apart from the user created files and the system files there are number of other places to look for evidences such as Computer date Computer time Computer password Deleted files Slack space Free space Bad clusters Unallocated space System areas Lost clusters Meta data. Deleted files Reserved areas Software registration Other partitions Software information The most popular types of file systems are two types FAT type NTFS system FAT stands for file allocation table, an understanding of the file system is important for the effective forensic analysis. NTFS system allows the file encryption and folder encryption where as it is not possible in the FAT32 system. The disk organisation is also an important concept to be understand for the effective analysis File allocation tables, adding and deleting files, partitions and master boot records and the patterns behind them can give a very useful insight to the investigation. The recovery of deleted files is another aspect of digital forensic investigation. The recovery of deleted files can be obtained by using debugging. 9. Conclusions: As discussed earlier even though a large amount of data can be obtained from a digital device such as laptop and from a PDA that is seized from drug dealer. But the problem for the forensic expert is to find the authentic evidence which can be presentable in the court. The common and known challenges to authenticity of digital evidence are Authenticating content. Alterations Authorship. Authenticating content: So many several cases have considered that to authenticate at the same time what foundation is necessary for the contents and appearance of a website. Web pages which are having URL and having date stamp are not self-authenticating. So, according to the analysis courts require testimony of a person with knowledge of the websites appearance to authenticate images of that website Alterations: As per the analysis the computer electronic records are easy to alter, even the opposing parties often allege that computer records lack the authenticity. Courts have rejected arguments that electronic evidence is inherently unreliable because of its potential for manipulation. Authorship: Although handwritten records may be penned in a distinctive handwriting style, computer-stored records do not necessarily identify their author; there is a particular problem with the internet communications. For example internet technologies permit users to send effectively anonymous emails, and internet relay chat channels permit users for communication without revealing their real names.

Materials Selection For Automotive Exhaust System Engineering Essay

Materials Selection For Automotive Exhaust System Engineering Essay This assignment looks into the material selection and manufacturing process for an automotive exhaust system considering the operational requirements. Towards the end, the application of alternate material is also discussed. Working Requirements The maximum temperature in an automobile exhaust system is around 750-850 degree celsius. So the selected material for manufacturing the exhaust system should be able to handle temperatures in this range. Also there are various other corrosion factors like high temperature oxidation, de-icing salt contamination and wet corrosion by condensates[mainly towards the tail pipe section]. The exhaust system can mainly be divided into 2 sections based on the working temperature. The hot end[temperatures above 600 degree Celsius] which starts from the manifold till the catalytic converter, and the cold end[temperatures below 600 degree Celsius] which extends from the pre-muffler till the tail pipe. The exhaust system is also subjected to high frequency vibrations due to exhaust gas discharge. Normally, ferrous alloys are used in the manufacturing of exhaust system. These include carbon steel, stainless steel, alloy steels and cast iron. The purpose of adding alloying elements is to help in solid solution strengthening of ferrite, improve the corrosion resistance and other characteristics and the cause the precipitation of alloy carbides. [5] Mild carbon steel was extensively used for the manufacturing of exhaust systems for a considerable period of time. Although mild steel has the properties to withstand exhaust temperature it has very poor corrosion resistance. High exposure to road salt and exhaust condensate can terribly shorten the life span of a mild steel based exhaust system. Also, over the years higher demands in power and environmental safety have seen the demise of mild steel from exhaust systems. Nowadays mild steel is employed in applications where the environment is non-corrosive. Stainless steel has replaced mild steel in exhaust systems today. The ferrous alloying element used here is chromium. The minimum amount of chromium in stainless steel is 10.5%. When stainless steel is heated, chromium forms a protective layer of chromium oxide over the stainless steel surface and delays further oxidation process. The exhaust system in a vehicle is expected to be at its peak performance always and the material failure is a undesirable characteristic for this. Performance and efficiency of a automobile engine is seriously affected by minor changes in the exhaust system. Therefore, it is important that fail proof and efficient materials be used in the construction of automotive exhausts. Materials used for manufacturing of exhaust systems should have the following characteristics: High service temperature, high fatigue strength, high fracture toughness, should be easily machinable and should be economic considering the overall cost of the automobile. Also, the material should be highly resistive to corrosion as the exhaust system is majorly exposed to road salts and condensates from the engine exhaust gases. Failure in the exhaust system can cause loss of back pressure which can significantly affect engine performance parameters.[1] Current trend: Evolution in the automobile industry has also seen the evolution of exhaust systems. From the usual carbon steel exhausts, we can see stainless steel being heavily employed in exhaust systems. From the CES charts, we can see that stainless steel excels over low/medium carbon steel in all properties other than economy. Ferritic stainless steel is used in the manufacture of exhaust systems. Ferritic stainless steel contains chromium as the main alloying element. The percentage of chromium can vary from 10.5% to 18%. These materials are resistant to corrosion and have very low fabrication characteristics. Although, these can be improved by alloying. Grades such as 434 and 444 have improved fabrication properties. Ferritic stainless steel is always used in a annealed state as they cannot be hardened using heat treatment processes. They have vey high resistance to cracking due to stress corrosion. They also exhibit acceptable welding characteristics in thin sections.[1] We can see in detail the different parts of the exhaust system and the material properties below: Exhaust Manifold: The exhaust manifold of a automobile engine is always exposed to hot gases. Cast iron has been in use for the production of exhaust manifolds traditionally. The main characteristics required for the exhaust manifold material include thermal fatigue strength required to withstand the high temperature exhaust gases, oxidation resistance , good fabrication properties and low thermal capacity to enhance the catalytic function. Ferritic stainless steel exhibit all these properties and offers big weight reduction also. The developments in vacuum casting process has helped in the fabrication of stainless steel manifold with section thickness of 2-5mm. Higher demands in pollution control will rise the exhaust temperatures too and therefore, ferritic stainless steel will be in major use for exhaust system manufacturing. Ferritic stainless steel exhibits improves thermal fatigue characteristics when processed by solid solution strengthening with molybdenum or niobium. This process also improve s the oxidation resistance and microstructural stability. Ferritic stainless steel also has cost advantages because of the absence of nickel in its composition. Another variant called the austenite stainless steel is used where ferritic stainless steel is unsuitable. Austenite stainless steel can enhance its properties when enough carbon is added to it. But, the higher cost limits its usage compared to the ferritic variant.[3] Cast iron manifolds can be manufactured by the sand casting process. The solidification of molten cast iron can result in the formation of interstitial voids between the various particles in the cast iron structure. This can lead to particle sliding over each other and as a result a decline in the mechanical properties of the mould. Stress relieving heat treatments are performed inorder to increase the dimensional stability of the material. During heat treatment, the thermal expansion of the material allows the voids to be filled. Although, care should be taken as not to overdo the heat treatment process as too much thermal expansion can bring about more stresses in the material microstructure and this can impair material properties. Changes in microstructure can diminish material properties like thermal fatigue and fracture toughness that can result in the premature failure of the finished product. The alternate material that can be used in exhaust manifold manufacture is ferritic stainless steel. These materials have enhanced properties for exhaust manifold production. The main feature is the low thermal expansion that is one of the major problems faced by cast iron exhaust manifolds. Molybdenum and Niobium alloying has shown tremendous increase in the heat enhancement properties of ferritic stainless steel. Vacuum casting process that is used in the production of ferritic stainless steel manifolds is the factor that increases its cost. Effective methods need to be developed to reduce the tooling and manufacturing cost. Once this is achieved, cast iron exhaust manifolds can be replaced by stainless steel exhaust manifolds that have improved properties and weigh less and can thus adhere to stringent emission norms that come in future. Nowadays stainless steel manifolds are only used in vehicles that call for extreme performance. Commercialisation of this technology is not far a way. Catalytic converter: The catalytic converter is used to clean the exhaust gases and make it free of toxic effects. It is normally exposed to elevated temperatures like 1000 degree Celsius and therefore its durability is a very important factor in proper functioning of the exhaust system. Conventionally the catalytic converters are made of a material called the cordierite monolith that basically acts as the absorbant in it. Cordierite is a silicate and thus the component is manufactured by an extrusion process. Then it is subjected to washcoating where the monolith is submerged in materials such as Al2O3, CeO2, ZrO2 and metals such as platinum, rhodium and palladium. The main properties of the catalytic converter monolith are as follows Fusion point : 1450 degree Celsius Coefficient of Thermal Expansion : 0.002cal/s-cm-oC [low] Thickness of monolith walls : 100 microns Number of cells : 400-900 cpsi The main advantages of the cordierite monolith are lower cost and manufacturing ease. Alternate material for the catalytic converter is stainless steel. Instead of the silicate monolith metal alloy materials are used in the construction of the monolith. These metal monoliths are manufactured by the combination of flat and corrugated layers of the metal alloy. These are then made into the spiral shaped monolith. The exhaust gases escape through the channels formed between the flat and corrugated planes. Washcoating is done in this case also. But the important thing to be remembered is that this process needs to be done before the monolith is made into a spiral shape. This is because the metal monolith is generally smaller in size and that can obstruct the proper washcoating of the entire metallic monolith. The main characteristics of the metallicmonolith are as follows: Fusion point : 1600 degree Celsius [150 degree Celsius more than cordierite] Coefficient of Thermal Expansion : very high[directly influenced by aluminium content in metal alloy] Thickness of monolith walls : 25 microns [less compared to cordierite] Number of cells : 800-1250 cpsi [2] One of the major advantages of the metallic monolith is the high impact resistance. As the catalytic converter is prone to impacts from road surfaces, it is important that the catalytic converter remains intact at all times. The cordierite monolith is very weak compared to metallic monolith in this case. Metallic monoliths also have the advantage of being placed close to the exhaust manifold. This means that they can achieve the operating temperature[around 300 degree Celsius] earlier and thus reduce exhaust contamination. These monoliths can also be developed in smaller sizes compared to the silicate counterparts. Higher service temperature means that metallic monoliths are used in high performance applications where the conditions are very severe. Muffler : The muffler is the final part in the exhaust system. The introduction of catalytic converter has led to the formation of condensates inside the muffler thereby resulting in corrosion. Aluminized carbon steel is employed in the manufacture of the exhaust mufflers traditionally. The exhaust gas condensates have amplified the corrosion rates in the muffler and it is seen that they do not perform to their maximum service life when the catalytic converter is introduced. This normally happens in the short runs of the vehicle where the exhaust gas temperature does not rise high enough to vaporize these condensates. During long runs, the exhaust gas temperature goes over 100 degree Celsius which prevents the formation of condensates and reduces corrosion. Stainless steel mufflers have very high corrosion resistance and the addition of chromium and molybdenum can improve these properties. High production rates can be achieved by the use of stainless steel by tandem mill cold rolling, annealin g and descaling process. Titanium can also be added in small traces to improve muffler properties in stainless steel.[3] Titanium exhaust systems [ a future perspective]: Environmental agencies now prefer guaranteed corrosion resistance on exhaust systems for more than 100,000 miles. Titanium achieves this and is much better than stainless steel systems that are used now. A typical catalytic converter and muffler pipe in stainless steel weighs around 10kg. A redesigned titanium system weighs only around 3.2 kg. This weight saving is very beneficial when considering high performance and high precision automobiles. Pure titanium tube and sheet are the materials of choice for silencers, and pipes. Reduction of weight and cost are achieved by selecting the thinnest gauges of materials consistent with the engineering and acoustic parameters of the exhaust system. Titanium may not be suitable for the entire system, and will most probably be limited to components in which the temperature of metal does not go over 400 degree celsius for longer periods of time. The parts immediately behind the catalytic converter continue to perform well under test. Use of titanium lugs welded to the pipe will certainly prove to be the most efficient method to fix the exhaust to the vehicle frame (via rubber isolators). Material conforming to ASTM Grade 2, (e.g. Timetal 50A) offers the optimum in terms of cost, availability, fabricability, weldability and mechanical properties. Grade 45A is slightly less strong and more ductile than 50A and may be required where extensive forming is part of the manufacturing process e.g. lock seaming (Table 4). Both alloys are fully weldable, require no intermediate or post-forming heat treatment, and are available in wide sheet coil. These alloys are also used to manufacture low-cost continuously welded tube.   Properties of pure titanium 45A and 50A 45A 50A Thermal expansion (10-6degree Celsius) 8.9 8.9 Hardness (HV) 140-170 160-200 Tensile Modulus ( 103N.mm2) 103 103 Density ( 4.51 4.51 Specific Heat( 519 519 RA min (%) 40 35 Titanium Production: Pure titanium is cold formable, and sheets or tube can be shaped readily at room temperature using techniques and equipment that are normally for steel. Following factors must be taken into consideration while machining titanium.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The ductility of titanium is generally less than that of steel. More generous bend radii may be required during bending applications.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The modulus of elasticity of titanium is about half that of steel. This means that titanium will return back to original state after forming. Compensation for this can be done by slight overforming.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Titanium tends to gall against unlubricated forming tools. Proper lubrication of the tool can solve this problem. Both lock seaming and resistance welding are suitable to join the catalytic converter, and traditional TIG is suitable to seal the ends and pipe joints with a torch trailing shield to the external surface of the box end joints. Production Economy: A leading exhaust system manufacturer in the United States, successfully rolled and seam welded a batch of titanium boxes at one of its production units. This was done with no extra cost when compared with the production of steel components. It was also seen that the bending units that are currently employed for the bending of steel are suitable in the case of titanium also. The only factor is the procurement cost of titanium and therefore significant efforts are necessary to bring down tooling and manufacturing costs.[3] Conclusion: It can be concluded that stainless steel can replace conventional materials in automotive exhaust systems. We have to count on developments in tooling and manufacturing methods that can bring down overall costs to minimum. Stainless steel is easily the best alternative in service aspects of the exhaust system. High performance materials like titanium may also come into commercial production soon. Improved thermal, mechanical and chemical properties are major factors that govern material selection for an exhaust system.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Free Essays on The Crucible: The Lessons Learned :: Essay on The Crucible

The Crucible – The Lessons Learned Great events, whether they are beneficial or tragic ones, bring change in a person. These scenarios can give one an entirely new perspective on life, and turn around his way of thinking. Events such as the Salem Witch Trials show the people involved what they could not see before. In Arthur Miller's The Crucible, Elizabeth Proctor, Reverend Hale, and John Proctor gain valuable insight into themselves, as well as others. Elizabeth Proctor has many moments which show how she is changing throughout the play. When she is trying to persuade Proctor to tell the court that Abigail said the girls were not practicing witchcraft, Elizabeth blurts out, "John, if it were not Abigail that you must go to hurt, would you falter now? I think not." Elizabeth is confessing that she believes Proctor had an affair with Abigail. She is giving him no mercy by showing that she will never forget what happened. When Elizabeth is being accused of stabbing Abigail, she instructs Proctor to go to court, and tells him "Oh, John, bring me soon!" Elizabeth is gaining trust in John. She is forgetting his act of adultery and now has faith that he will defend her. At the end of the play, when Proctor is sentenced to death, Elizabeth says that "he [has] his goodness now. God forbid I take it from him!" Elizabeth is admitting that John was righteous to confess his sin of lechery, and she should have pardoned him. She consi ders herself impure for not showing mercy, and does not want to take away from his glory. Elizabeth has transformed from an ignorant victim of adultery, to a forgiving, loving wife. Reverend Hale arrives in Salem thinking that he will become a hero and rid Salem of the devil. Hale is speaking to the townspeople when he says, "Have no fear now--we shall find him out if he has come among us, and I mean to crush him utterly if he has shown his face!" Hale thinks that there is an actual devil in the town, and they must defeat it. He is trying to show the people of Salem that he is their savior, and that he knows exactly what to do.

Friday, July 19, 2019

John Keats techniques to evoke the readers senses Essay -- essays pape

John Keats techniques to evoke the readers senses Question: Examine various techniques a poet can use to evoke reader response to a subject in reference to two or more poems Answer: John Keats uses various techniques in his compositions to evoke a reader’s response to his theme. In Keats’s poem, â€Å"On first looking into Chapman’s Homer† depicts Keats’s emotions and feelings after being read Chapman’s Elizabethan translation of the Odyssey. To show the magnitude of his delight, Keats compares his feelings to those of many explorers, who discover the wonders of the world and universe. On first looking into Chapman’s Homer is an Italian sonnet, with 14 lines, in the classic rhyme pattern of abbaabbacdcdcd, and is written in an iambic pentametre which gives the poem a lyrical flow. The poem begins with a calm beginning, in the voice of ripe experience. â€Å"Much have I traveled in the realms of gold. And many goodly states and kingdoms seen;† The calm beginning then mounts to the excitement of the climax towards the end. â€Å"Wild surmise† which is then confirmed by the ne...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Importance of Dean Moriarty in Jack Kerouac’s On The Road Essay

Importance of Dean Moriarty in Jack Kerouac’s On The Road It is Dean Moriarty, in Jack Kerouac’s On The Road, who represents the eternal flame of youth that was adopted by the rebellious youth culture of the Beat Generation. He is free from responsibility, â€Å"simply a youth tremendously excited with life†¦want[ing] so much to live and to get involved with people who would otherwise pay no attention to him† (Kerouac 4). Just as the Greek of the Olympics, â€Å"with [the] torch†¦[that] ignites the pagan dream of immortality† (Rodriguez 1), Dean embodies the almost immortal flame of youth, the eternal â€Å"sideburned hero of the snowy West† (Kerouac 2). As â€Å"He was the BEAT—the root, the soul of Beatific† (Kerouac 195), Dean embodied and still embodies the spirit of the immortal Beat Generation. Post-World War Two, the fifties saw the arrival of â€Å"juvenile delinquents, motorcycles, and leather jackets†¦[and the hipsters, who] adopted an ethic at odds with most Americans, and his values and view of the world soon became the Beats’† (Foster 8). The character of Dean Moriarty is literally and figuratively the firebrand of the invincible youth culture known as the Beat Generation, as he was one of â€Å"a youth tremendously excited with life†¦the holy con-man with the shining mind† (Kerouac 5). The passionate madness of life and rebellious con-man life-styles evinced in the character of Dean Moriarty are symbolic of the generation. Tim Hunt proposes that Sal Paradise, the protagonist or perhaps the conventional man, chooses â€Å"his [Dean’s] romanticized version of Denver slum life†¦[this] represents the New World at its most anarchistic and individualistic apex† (Hunt 39). Because Dean Moriarty holds this carefree and enthusiastic nature of the unconq... ... be immortal himself, his actions and Beat are enduring, that is, living within On the Road eternally. As James Dean became a symbol and inspiration for the Rebel, Dean Moriarty became the literary representation of the rebellious Beat Generation, holding onto that eternal flame—the passionate recklessness, the easygoing charisma that can ultimately found in youth. Works Cited Campbell, James. â€Å"The place of dead roads.† This is the Beat Generation. Los Angeles: U of California Press, 1999. Foster, Edward Halsey. â€Å"Kerouac.† Understanding the Beats. Columbia: U of South Carolina, 1992. Holstad, Scott C. â€Å"Kerouac: A look.† Kerouac’s On The Road and the American Quest. 1999. 04 Jan 2002. Hunt, Tim. â€Å"An American Education.† Kerouac’s Crooked Road. Los Angeles: U of California Press, 1996. Kerouac, Jack. On the Road. New York: Penguin Books, 1976.

A Fear of Looking Foolish

Humor is a read way to scatter the feeling of being foolish. Keep in mind that who you are being foolish in front of are humans and there isn't one of them who hasn't been foolish themselves. I agree in this quote â€Å"Our wisdom comes from our experience, and our experience comes from our foolishness† from Sac Guitar, it symbolized that being foolish is not bad as we know, it is the experience that made us more brave from our mistakes. One more quote that eve found on Google â€Å"Its always the fear of looking stupid that stops you from being awesome† fromKier Sacs, just remember that quote and try to relaxed and have faith on yourself when you are doing something–then you'll just find that you made it through. The root cause of all our excellence, all our ability, is fear.. We are afraid afraid to look bad, afraid to make a mistake, afraid to look like a fool in front of others. So we make sure that we are prepared. We make sure we are in control. We like to do well at anything that we do, it is never a pleasure to be bad at anything.But it is fear, a deep fear that motivates us more than anything else. It's always the fear of looking foolish that stops you from being awesome so release yourself from the fear of being foolish. Know that there are times when it will happen. Deal with it with humor and move on. Whatever you do don't let the fear of looking foolish stop you from doing what you want to do. As far as I know, no one has ever died from looking foolish. Yes, it hurts on the ego, but does little other damage if we don't let it get to us.Always remember that looking foolish is all part of being human so onto be scared of looking foolish just be who you are don't mind what people might think to you. There is a lot to be learned from taking risk and not being perfect. Don't let the fear of making mistakes and looking awkward stop you from taking risks and living life to the fullest. We're going to mess up. We're going to make mista kes. We're going to break things. While we try hard not to do that, the glory, the hero within us comes to play not when we're perfect, but when we recover. Mistakes will be made, accidents happen, and you will screw up.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Mind and Consciousness

Mind and thought appears to serve as inseparable entities. Daily functions ar taken for granted, non given frequentlytimes thought how everyday habitual patterns work. tv programing, selection of music, newfoundspapers, magazines, people we choose to turn over with and the invitation of go forthside influences has an overall impact on our conscious take heeds, eventually. Environments, situations and circumstances wait onm to be automatic, these conditions arrived without any conscious effort. All extraneous factors entering into headways is in the process of fair a part of the intelligence, but close to always temporarily. Understanding differences between consciousness and consciousness is crucial to understanding the environment we be living in, and our daily behavior. some(prenominal) people say, they would never select to do it in the conditions they live, or are coadjutor with their friends, or select other situations they are currently in. This is where the consciousness is separate from the bear in mind. The mind or humor would not bear these predicaments, but the consciousness selected these situations. People valuing their liberty to go out dancing in nightclubs, or go chase their kids or dog in the greenness chooses to apprehension in the middle, maybe lower pecuniary income. Millionaires have to keep up a certain image, because someone is always watching. rails with a dog in the park is not considered sophisticated behavior of an big citizen. The consciousness chooses financial status, friends, environments depending on beliefs.It has often been said by many motivational speakers, you are what you think. Over time, repeated thoughts automatically reoccurring go away part of the consciousness. People get off the ground behaving like the actors they see on picture without legitimateizing they changed, or they pick up an accent. at one time the consciousness accepted the outside messages, these beliefs fail a par t of the soul, or who the person actually is. The difference between the mind and consciousness is the mind changes, but the consciousness is durable or takes a broad time or repeated programming for a temporary change.Consciousness (pure awareness) is who you are, and does not have a fleshly line of products (Morose, 2004). Consciousness is much more permanent than the mind. The mind brings us into different environments with jobs, relocations, leaving old friends, meeting new people. Through external changes, we keep our alike(p) beliefs, values, feelings our consciousness. When we leave a place physically, our ingrained, infrared consciousness goes with us.Using the example, Alzheimers disease, the fountainhead or mind functions do become partially or totally inaccessible, but consciousness never alters (Morese). Although the physical luggage compartment changes, the mind does not. The mind and brain are physical external objects. The conscious mind is the actual soul or internal intentions of the person. Outside appearances are usually an hi-fi reflection of who they are on the inside.The mind is a fascinating mystery. Scientists conduct numerous studies and research trying to find out more about the minds and consciousness. Naturally, diagnosing physical problems, such as Alzheimers, and several forms of brain damage are much easier than unraveling the real mysteries of the mind. Scientists and doctors can see a brain. They cannot see the mind. Much of the conclusions of exactly how the mind whole shebang is left up to beliefs, opinions, and studys of similar patterns.Even when external influences alters personality, it is lone(prenominal) for brief periods. For example, a well behaved stripling getting mixed up with the amiss(p) crowd intentions will become unadorned through any type of check over or counseling resulting from temporarily choosing the reproach path. The conscious mind is permanent, the mind is changeable. at one time e xternal conditions change, the consciousness reveals itself.SourceMorose, (2004) The disengagement of Mind and Consciousness retrieved 13 celestial latitude http//